We understand small business is the backbone of the economy, hence, our commitment to their growth and expansion, and investment in sustaining their development. Our aim is to help our clients achieve their business goals – get them from their present state to their desired state throu

  • Business Plan Preparation and Implementation
    We assist entrepreneurs develop business plans from concept to and start-up of the venture, and implementation of strategies to ensure profitability and growth.
  • Financial Advice
    The challenges of SMEs are sometimes unique to their sector. That is why our approach is unique to each client. Our services include analysis of business requirements, research and implementation of customer feedback, market analysis, and product feasibility and testing.
    UniFin Advisory also offers solutions for:
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Strategy development
  • Financing and Accounting
  • IFRS Transformation

Our clients’ success defines our success.